Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair


Dear fellow Wisconsinites,

This past weekend, Democratic Party neighborhood teams and county parties knocked their 200,000th door of the year in Wisconsin—more than a year out from the election.

As far as we can measure, it’s unprecedented.

And what happens when we knock on doors? We ask questions, and we listen.

We’re not talking to the usual suspects, the hardcore Democrats that we know will turn out every time. We’re talking to drop-off voters, swing voters, and, most critically, voters whom we haven’t reached before.

And guess what? Everywhere we look, we find future Democratic voters. 

Gerry Lisi, chair of the Barron County Dems, told me yesterday about his weekend knocking doors in Chetek, Wisconsin (population 2,221). Over and over, the working people who spoke with him—a waitress, a garbage truck driver—were ready to vote against Trump. It felt, Gerry said, night-and-day different from 2016.

This is the hard work of politics. One door at a time. One community at a time. It’s the approach we’re taking in rural, urban, and suburban Wisconsin alike—and up and down the ballot, in the Supreme Court race and state legislative fights and in the battle for the White House. It’s people power. It’s how we win.

Thanks to everyone who is taking the time to be part of this. Want to join in? Click here to find a shift near you or sign up at wisdems.org/volunteer.

With appreciation,



FIGHT on the Issues:


Dayton. El Paso. Aurora. San Bernardino. Las Vegas. Orlando. Parkland.

Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The streets of Milwaukee.

Gun violence has touched every state in our nation. And it will only continue to endanger our communities so long as Republicans stand in the way of meaningful reform.

Fed up with GOP inaction, Governor Evers, along with Attorney General Josh Kaul and state Senator  Lena Taylor and Representative Melissa Sergeant, introduced red flag legislation yesterday meant to enact a swift process to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others.

We know that a vast majority of Wisconsinites are with us on this. A recent Marquette poll showed that 81% of Wisconsinites support sensible measures like this to keep our families, friends and communities safe. It’s time now for Republicans to stop giving excuses, back the will of the people and finally do something to protect their constituents.

All Democrats have signed on to this legislation. Zero Republicans have. We’re going to have to fight tooth and nail to get this legislation passed.

That’s why we need you to contact your legislator and demand they step up and do the right thing.


Contact Your Legislator NOW


Standing up to Trump & DeVos


When Betsy DeVos showed up in Wisconsin this Monday to propagate Donald Trump’s anti-public school agenda, Ben stood with our public school teachers to speak out.
The charter school she visited is known for teaching ideas like women are inferior to men, that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and that homosexuality is a sin — all at the expense of Wisconsin taxpayers.

Here in Wisconsin, we know that local public schools are the heart of our communities, and that a good public education is the best on-ramp to the middle class. That’s why we elected lifelong public school advocate Gov. Evers in November, and why we’ll send Trump and DeVos packing next November.


Fighting Early


Last Friday, DNC Chair Tom Perez visited Madison and sat down for an interview at the Cap Times Idea Fest. He emphasized that Wisconsin is a “ground zero” state for 2020 and highlighted the work that Wisconsin Democrats have already been doing to prepare for the election, mentioning that our team has already knocked on 200,000 doors this year. He also called out President Trump for claiming farmers are “over the hump” (they’re not).


Photo: Michelle Stocker, Cap Times


We appreciate the support and shout out from our friends at the DNC! We’ve got many more doors to knock, many more conversations to have, and many days left to fight.


Hispanic Heritage Month


This week, we kicked off the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Wisconsin is home to some of the most influential Latinx voices, both historic and contemporary. Leaders like state Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa, Christine Neumann-Ortiz and Lupe Martinez are all working tirelessly to make sure that members of the Latinx community have their voices amplified and rights protected.


Wisconsin Democrats understand that the Latinx community is a vital part of our coalition to winning back our state in 2020. That’s why we’re so focused on advocating on issues like giving driver’s licenses and granting in-state tuition to every Wisconsinite regardless of legal status.


EMPOWER the Grassroots
Organizing in the 5th


Republican state Senator Scott Fitzgerald announced his bid for the 5th congressional district this week and we’re letting everyone know just how awful of a candidate he is.

Scott Fitzgerald designed and drove forward an extreme partisan agenda during his time in the Wisconsin legislature. He would do the same thing he did here — try to take away Wisconsinites’ healthcare, hurt our working class, and divide our state — in Congress, if elected.

Everyone in the 5th CD and across Wisconsin are sick and tired of career politicians like Scott Fitzgerald who are more interested in the next rung up the ladder and playing political games than getting things done. We know better.


The good news is that we already have a great democratic candidate in Tom Palzewicz. When he ran in 2018, he came closer than we’ve ever been to flipping this seat long held by Republicans. And this time around, we’re confident that we can push the margins even closer. .


Upcoming Regional Organizing Trainings


EAU CLAIRE — September 21st from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at Eau Claire Democrat Resource Center, 440 Broadway St, Eau Claire, WI 54703 (Sign up link)

SPARTA — September 21st from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm at Monroe County Democrats Office, 221 S Water St, Sparta (Sign up link)

WOW+ COUNTIES — September 29th from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Washington County Dems Office 132 N Main St West Bend)

ELKHORN — October 6h from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Walworth Dems Office, 15 E Walworth St, Elkhorn, WI 53121 (Sign up link)


Weekend of Action (Pt. II)


Thank you to everyone who came out for our weekend of action last weekend! You helped us knock our 200,000th door of the year, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

If you missed us last weekend, we have more canvasses scheduled this weekend! 


Find an Event Near You!


Are you planning or considering a run for office? The National Democratic Training Committee and DPW will be hosting a BLUE BENCH TRAINING DAY on September 28th, where we’ll be teaching crucial skills in media, field work, fundraising, and management.

Our Blue Bench Training Day will give you the tools to not only start, but to WIN. If this sounds good to you, click here to RSVP!


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