Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair

Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2020 and beyond. 

Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2020 and beyond. 

Dear fellow Wisconsin Democrats,

This is it. 2020 is here.

This is our moment to change history. 

In the course of this year, we’re going to eat, drink, and breathe politics. We’re going to organize like we’ve never organized before. And we’re going to win.
Remember the five fights:

  • Win the spring Supreme court election—and use it as a dress rehearsal for the fall.
  • Inspire, recruit, and train thousands of volunteers at the Democratic National Convention in the summer.
  • Stop the GOP from winning a supermajority in the state legislature—so that we can win fair maps in the 2021 redistricting.
  • Cancel Trump’s second inaugural by building a presidential-scale campaign before we have a nominee.
  • Organize for the future—so that we go into the 2022 election cycle, and beyond, stronger and more aligned than we’ve ever been.

We spent much of last year laying the groundwork. We’ve never entered an election year with so much strength and momentum—thanks to your dedication. Now, we make it pay off. The world is looking to us. History will mark what we do. And we’re up to the task.

Yours in solidarity and resolve,


FIGHT on the Issues, and Fight to Win:
1 Year Later

This is going to be a monumental year filled with elections, conventions, and continued organizing efforts. While 2019 was a year of activism and progressive action, 2020 is the year we see our hard work pay off.

This week marked the one-year anniversary of Governor Tony Evers’ inauguration! As Gov. Evers said in his inaugural address, the will of the people is the law of the land — and the people elected Tony Evers governor. But from the get-go, Republicans worked hard to stand in the way of the progress Wisconsinites voted for.

In 2019, Governor Evers didn’t let the endless GOP pressure deter him from fighting for all Wisconsinites.

  • He declared 2019 the Year of Clean Drinking Water, putting promises and actions behind bettering Wisconsinites’ health and living conditions. Thanks to several key initiatives that were included in the budget, we now have more research and task forces working to fight for Wisconsin’s clean drinking water.
  • The Governor signed into law tax relief plan for Wisconsin’s working families. While Republicans rejected the Governor’s original plan which would have forced wealthy corporations to pay their fair share, the Governor still believes in responsible and sustainable tax relief for Wisconsin’s working families.

  • When our kids do better, we do better. Wisconsin is now investing millions more into our annual K-12 budgets. Our kids will now have more opportunities to expand their learning, our teachers will be supported, and our state will in return do better.
  • Working Wisconsinites, tourists, commuters, are all at the mercy of our road conditions. Scott Walker neglected our infrastructure for far too long; thankfully Gov. Evers signed multiple bills increasing funding and attention for our roads. We are finally filling in those Scott-holes and working towards accessible transportation for all Wisconsinites.
  • Governor Evers, strongly backed by Democratic Party volunteers across the state, fought for health care for Wisconsinites—but the Republicans refused to accept federal Medicaid dollars, leaving everyone worse off. We’re going to keep fighting on health care, for gun safety, public schools, fair maps, roads, and environmental sustainability—issues that unite Wisconsinites and make us all better off!


Presidential Selection Committee Meeting


This week Chair Ben Wikler had the honor of joining Sen. Jen Shilling, Rep. Mark Spreitzer, Vice Chair Felesia Martin, and DNC Member Andrew Werthmann to officially assemble the ballot for the 2020 Presidential Preference Primary.

These are the individuals (in alphabetical order) who will appear on Wisconsin’s ballot for the Democratic Presidential Primary: Michael Bennet, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, John Delaney, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, Marianne Williamson and Andrew Yang.

Republicans, meanwhile, selected a single name for their primary election: Donald Trump.

This meeting makes it official: the election year has come. No matter who we choose as our nominee, we’re going to unite behind that person and fight to end the Trump era once and for all—and to build something better in its place.

Next Tuesday, President Trump will be in Milwaukee rallying voters, and we at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin are already hard at work to hold Trump accountable to his lies and broken promises while he’s here. Stay tuned until next week for more updates.


A Year of Firsts


Governor Evers isn’t just fighting for some Wisconsinites, he is fighting for all Wisconsinites. The Governor is working hard to make his administration representative of the people that make up our great state. Our diverse coalition will only grow stronger as we continue to include and make equitable decisions for our citizens.

  • From Ashland to Beloit, our citizens deserve to be heard, and the Governor agrees. This past year, the Governor visited all 72 counties! He is committed to making sure everyone’s issues and values are included and represented to the fullest.


  • For the first time in our state’s history, the rainbow Pride flag flew over our capital building! Governor Evers flew the Pride flag for the entirety of Pride month, showcasing his dedication to include, value, and listen to the voices of our LGBTQ+ community. Many other state buildings and crosswalks followed suit, painting our state in rainbows, taking a stand against hate, and siding with love.
  • The land many of us call home, has been home to Native and Indigenous communities for centuries. In 2019, Governor Evers joined countless other states in recognizing our Native American communities and declared Wisconsin’s first ever “Indigenous People’s Day”! Though countless tribes and people have been celebrating Indigenous People’s Day for some time, statewide recognition is monumental; we are beginning to prioritize the culture and stories of our Native populations.

  • Governor Evers signed an executive order that is designed to promote and invest in diversity, inclusion, and equity measures throughout Wisconsin state government. Having the voices and interests of our diverse population present in our government isn’t just important, it is crucial for our progress. From here on out, all levels of our state government are required to have actual action plans for their diversity and inclusion efforts and the Governor will have a diversity and inclusion advisory council.

Thank you Governor Tony Evers for a remarkable first year in office! We are excited to work alongside and support you in 2020 and beyond; we have a lot of work to do, but 2019 has set us up for success.


EMPOWER the Grassroots:
60 Days to Victory


We’re fast approaching our next major Day of Action! On February 8, we’ll have 60 days to win the State Supreme Court race on April 7.

The results of April’s Supreme Court will have implications for generations to come. Some of the most important issues of our time will come before the Supreme Court, like redistricting. We need a fair, progressive justice on the Supreme Court who will stand up for our shared Wisconsin values.

In order to win, we have to organize early, so sign up NOW for a canvass on February 8! (More events will be added soon!)

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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Ben Wikler, Chair

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15 N. Pinckney St., Ste 200, Madison, Wisconsin 53703

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