DPDC Constitution pre 2018

Constitution 2018 a searchable document without signatures version 11 29 2018
Door County Democrats Constitution signed version 12 11 2018

CONTENTS (This document is superseded by those dated in Nov. & Dec 2018)




Freedom, equality, security, peace and stability throughout the world; these are our high aims. To achieve these aims, we seek to promote and to preserve liberal democratic government everywhere – abroad, in America, in Wisconsin. To promote and to preserve liberal democratic government, we seek to build and to develop a liberal Democratic party.

A political party is a means to an end. Means shape ends. To be a force for democracy, a political party must be a democracy. Its member’s must have equal voice, one with another. Its leaders must be freely chosen by its members and must answer to them. Its programs must arise from the free and full competition of ideas among its members.

In recognition of these plain truths, we adopt this Constitution. Through it we shall fashion and maintain a democratic party.




The name of this organization shall be the DEMOCRATIC PARTY of DOOR COUNTY, DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN and shall be affiliated with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY of WISCONSIN.

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It shall be the pr1mary responsibility of each County unit to develop the fullest possible membership in the unit, to hold regularly scheduled meetings, to encourage Democratic candidates for County and legislative offices, to form and maintain an effective campaign organization, to make recommendations for party platform, and. generally to promote the interest of the Democratic Party in the County.

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Any person who subscribes to the liberal principles of the Democratic Party and is a resident of Door County is eligible for membership and shall become a member upon payment of dues and. receipt of such dues by the memtership chairman. No further restriction shall be imposed upon membership. Members of the Democratic party of Door County, Wisconsin shell automatically become members of the Democratic party of Wisconsin.

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SECTION l. [as amended]  The officers of the Door County Democratic Party shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, two (2) director from the North; two (2) Directors from the South; three (3) directors from the City of Sturgeon Bay; a recording Secretary; and a Treasurer. The Immediate Past Chairperson shal1 also serve as an ex-officio officer and voting member of the Executive Board.  [original wording]  The Officers of the Door County Democratic Party shall be a Chairman, Two (2) Vice-Chairman from the North, two (2) Vice-Chairman from the South and three (3) Vice-Chairman from the City of sturgeon Bay, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer and a membership Chairman. Officers shall be elected for a term of one Year.

SECTION 2.  [as amended]  The election of officers shall be held at the regularly scheduled meeting in December of each even-numbered year. [original wording]  The election of officers shall be held at the regularly scheduled meeting in December of each year. Members entitled to vote shall include all paid up members for the year and shall be paid members before entering the place of voting. Nominations shall be made from the floor at the November meeting. Voting will be by secret ballot. Officers shall be elected by majority vote. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of votes cast, all except the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be eliminated from the list of candidates and a second vote taken. Nominations must have prior consent of the nominee. Failure to obtain such prior consent shall invalidate the election of a person so nominated.

SECT’ION 3.  [as amended]  All officers elected after Jan. 1, 1978 shall serve for a term of two (2) years unless removed for due cause or until their successors have been elected or installed in office.  [original wording]  All officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year unless removed for cause or until their successors have been elected or installed in office.

SECTION 4. Only members of the Democratic Party of Door County shall be eligible for office or to serve on committees.

SECTION 5. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, or Membership Chairman, the Executive Board shall fill such vacancy by appointment, and the appointee shall serve until such time when the nomination and election can be held to fill such vacancy. A vacancy shall be filled by nomination and election at the next regular meeting of the Democratic Party of Door County, provided that at least ten (10) days notice of such pending election shall be given.

SECTION 6. At the expiration of the term of office, by termination or otherwise, of any officer he shall before the next regularly schedule meeting, turn over to his successor all monies, property, paper, records and books of the Democratic Party of Door County that may be in his possession.

SECTION 7. Questions coming before any meeting of the Democratic party of Door County may be decided by voice vote, division of the house, show of hands, or secret ballot.

SECTION 8. Before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, the newly elected officers shall be installed and take the following oath of office:

“I __________ do hereby sincerely pledge myself faithfully to perform the duties of my office as required by the Constitution of the Democratic party of Door County. I will deliver to my successor in office all books, end other property of the Democratic Party of Door County that may be in my possession at the close of my official term. All of this I solemnly Promise.”

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Section 1. The Chairman shall preside and preserve order at all meetings of the Democratic party of Door County, appoint all committees and otherwise provided for, countersign all checks, transact such other business and exercise such other responsibilities as may of right pertain to the office. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees of the Democratic Party of Door County.

SECTION 2.  [as amended]  The Vice Chairperson shall act as presiding officer in the absence of the Chairperson. In the event a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume all responsibilities delegated and implied to the Chairperson for the remainder of the Chairperson’s term.  [original wording]  The Vice-Chairman shall assist the chairman in the performance of his duties. In the event of the temporary absence of the Chairman at a meeting, the membership present shall designate one of the Vice-Chairmen to conduct that meeting.

SECTION 3.  [as amended]  The Treasurer shall receive and record all monies paid into the Democratic Party of Door County, give receipt for same, pay all bills authorized and record same, and deposit all Democratic Party of Door County Funds in a suitable financial institution in the name of the Democratic Party of Door County.  [original wording]  The Treasurer shall receive and record all monies paid into the Democratic party of Door County, give receipt for same, pay all bills authorized and record same, and deposit all Democratic Party of Door County Funds, in the Bank of Sturgeon Bay in the name of, the Democratic Party of Door County, He shall report the condition of the treasury from time to time as the Democratic Party of Door County may direct, and submit his books and. records to the Executive Board when-ever required. He shall follow such procedures, maintain such records, and file such reports as the Democratic Party of Door County may direct. He shall be a signatory of all Democratic Party of Door County checks. He shall perform such other duties as are usual to the office, or which may be assigned by the Executive Board.

SECTION 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all regular and special meetings of the Executive Board and the Democratic party of Door County. He shall receive, read and safely keep all papers documents, and be responsible for notification of all meetings and elections. He shall answer all communications when requested to do so.

SECTION 5.  [as amended]  A Membership Chairman, appointed by the Chairperson to serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson, shall be primarily responsible for promoting membership in the Democratic Party of Door County, and shall keep a current record of all paid members.   [original wording]  The Membership Chairman shall keep a record of all paid up members of the Democratic Party of Door County. Such membership record shall be the official record for the purpose of establishing eligibility for office or voting. He shall perform such other duties as are usual to the office, or which may be assigned by the Executive Board.

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SECTION 1. The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers of the Democratic Party of Door County.

SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall be responsible for making recommendations in regard to the work of the Democratic Party of Door County for coordinating the work of the standing Committees, and for executing the decisions of the Democratic party of Door County.

SECTION 3. The Executive Board shall transact all necessary business between meetings of the Democratic party of Door County. They shall interpret and enforce the Constitution.

SECTION 4. The Executive Board shall meet once a month two weeks prior to all regular meetings of the Democratic Party of Door County, or at such Special Meetings as may be called by the Chairman or a majority at the Executive Board where forty-eight (48) hours notice been given to all members of the Executive Board. A majority of the Executive Board shall const1tue a quorum for the transaction of its business, and all decisions or the Board shall be by majority vote of those present at a meeting where there is a quorum.

SECTION 5. The Executive Board shall hold the real property of the Democratic party of Door County in trust. They shall examine the books of the Democratic party of Door County annually and shall make a financial report to the next regular meeting of the Democratic party of Door County.

SECTION 6. All recommendations for patronage Appointments by the Democratic Party of Door County shall be made by the Executive Board, and any member of the Executive Board whose name is being considered for appointment shall withdraw from the Board, while such recommendation for appointment is being considered.

SECTION 7. The Executive Board shall render a full report of activities to each regular meeting of the Democratic party of Door County.

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SECTION 1. There shall be such number of Committees as the Democratic party of Door County may determine.

SECTION 2. Committees shall report to the Democratic Party of Door County at regular meetings. No Committee Appointments shall be official without approval by the Executive Board or at a regular membership meeting.

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SECTION 1. Membership dues shall be determined by the Constitution of the Democratic party of Wisconsin and shall be sent to the State party Treasurer that portion of membership dues remaining within the County may be used as the party determines.

SECTION 2. Funds for the County party Treasury may be solicited from sources other than membership dues.

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SECTION 1.  [as amended]  Regular meeting of the Democratic Party of Door County shall be held on the last Friday of each month unless otherwise determined by a majority vote of the Democratic Party of Door County.  [original wording]  Regular meetings of the Democratic Party of Door County shall be held on the fourth Friday of each month at 8:00 P.M. unless otherwise determined by a majority vote of the Democratic Party of Door County.

SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman when so instructed by a majority of the Executive Board, or a written request by twenty percent (20%) of the Democratic party of Door County. Forty-Eight (48) hours notice should be given of any Special Meeting.

SECTION 3. Five percent (5%) of the total number of members of the Democratic party of Door County shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 4. The order of Business at each meeting shall be as follows, unless suspended by a majority vote of the Democratic Party of Door County:

Roll Call of Officers.

Reading of Minutes.

Executive Board Reports and Recommendations.

Communications other than contained in Executive Board Reports

Reports of Officers and Committees

Unfinished Business

New Business

Good and Welfare


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SECTION 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a regular meeting of the Democratic Party of Door County provided the amendment does not conflict with the State Constitution and provided the amendment has been filed with the Secretary in writing, and read at two previous meetings of the Democratic Party of Door County.

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SECTION 1. All question of a parliamentary nature not provided for in these Rules of Order shall be decided by Robert’s Rules of Order.

SECTION 2. The hour of meeting for the Democratic Party of Door County Council shall be promptly at 8:00 p.m.

SECTION 3. The regular order of business may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the meeting at any time to dispose of anything urgent.

SECTION 4. No member shall engage in debate, or conversation during a meeting of the Democratic Party of Door County without first having received permission from the presiding officer.

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SECTION 1. When a member wishes the floor, he shall rise and respectfully address the Chair, and if recognized by the Chair he shall state his name.

SECTION 2. If two, or more members, rise to speak at the same time, the chair shall decide which is entitled to the floor.

SECTION 3. Each member, when speaking, shall confine himself to the question under debate and shall avoid all personal, indecorous, or sarcastic language.

SECTION 4. No member shall interrupt another while speaking except to a point of order, and he shall definitely state the point and the Chair shall decide the same without debate.

SECTION 5. If a member, while speaking be called to order, he shall take his seat until the point of order is decided when, if decided in order, he may proceed.

SECTION 6. If any member shall feel himself personally aggrieved by a decision of the Chair, he may appeal from the decision to the meeting.

SECTION 7. When an appeal is made from a decision of the Chair the Vice-Chairman should then serve as Chairman, said appeal shall be stated by the Chairman to the meeting in these words: “Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained as the decision of the meeting? The member will have the right to state the grounds of appeal, and the Chair will give reasons for his decisions. Thereupon, the members will proceed to vote on the appea1 without further debate, and it shall require a majority vote to sustain such an appeal.

SECTION 8. No member shall speak more than once, or more than five (5) minutes, on the same subject until all members desiring the floor shall have spoken, and not more than twice without majority consent.

SECTION 9. The presiding Officer shall not speak on any subject unless he retires from the Chair, except on points of order. In case of a tie he shall have the deciding vote.

SECTION 10. A motion to be entertained by the presiding officer must be seconded, and mover, well as the seconder, must rise and be recognized by the Chair,

SECTION 11. Resolutions, resignations, and motions shall be submitted in writing if so requested by the Chair.

SECTION 12. In presenting a motion, a brief statement of its objects may be made, but no discussion of its merits shall be admitted until the question is stated by the Chair.

SECTION 13. Any member having made a motion can withdraw it by consent of his second, but a motion once debated cannot be withdrawn except by unanimous consent or by majority vote for a motion authorizing withdrawal.

SECTION 14. A motion to amend an amendment shall be in order, but no motion to amend an amendment to an amendment shall be permitted.

SECTION 15. Ay member may call for a division on a question when the subject admits thereof.

SECTION 16. When a question has been decided, it can be reconsidered only by a motion to reconsider adopted by a majority vote of those present.

SECTION 17. A motion to reconsider must be made and seconded by two members who voted with the majority.

SECTION 18. All questions, unless otherwise provided, shall be decided as a majority vote may direct.

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SECTION 1. When a question is before the meeting, no motion shall be 1n order except:

(a) To adjourn.

(b) To lay on the table.

(c) For the previous question.

(d) To postpone to a given time.

(e) To refer or commit.

(f) To amend

(g) To substitute

And these motions shall have precedence in the order herein arranged.

SECTION 2. The follow1ng motions are not debatable:

To adjourn.

To lay on the table.

For the previous question,

SECTION 3. When a question is postponed indefinitely, it shall not come up again except upon a majority vote.

SECTION 4. If a question has been amended the question on the amendment shall be put first; if more than one amendment has been offered the question shall then be put as follows: (1) amendment to the amendment: (2) amendment: (3) original proposition.

SECTION 5. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except (1) when a member has the floor: (2) when members are voting.

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SECTION 1. When the debate on any question appears to have neared a close and presiding officer asks: “Are you ready for the, question?” If no member rises to speak, the presiding officer shall then put the question to a vote and after the vote is taken he shall immediately announce the result.

SECTION 2. When the presiding officer has commenced taking the vote, no further debate or remarks shall be allowed, unless a mistake has been made, in which case the mistake shall be rectified and the presiding officer shall recommence taking the vote.

SECTION 3. Before the presiding officer declares the vote on a question, any member may ask for a division of the house, and the Chair is then in duty bound to comply with the request, and a standing vote shall be taken – also roll call vote.

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Article IV, Section 1, amended to read,

SECTION 1. The officers of the Door County Democratic Party shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, two (2) director from the North; two (2) Directors from the South; three (3) directors from the City of Sturgeon Bay; a record1ng Secretary; and a Treasurer. The Immediate Past Chairperson shal1 also serve as an ex-officio officer and voting member of the Executive Board.

Article IV, Section 2, amended to read,

SECTION 2. The election of officers shall be held at the regularly scheduled meeting in December of each even-numbered year.

Article IV, Section 3, amended to read.

SECTION 3. All officers elected after Jan. 1, 1978 shall serve for a term of two (2) years unless removed for due cause or until their successors have been elected or installed in office.

Article V, Section 2, amended to read.

SECTION 2. The Vice Chairperson shall act as presiding officer in the absence of the Chairperson. In the event a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume all responsibilities delegated and implied to the Chairperson for the remainder of the Chairperson’s term.

Article V, Section 5. amended to read.

SECTION 5. A Membership Chairman, appointed by the Chairperson to serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson, shall be primarily responsible for promoting membership in the Democratic Party of Door County, and shall keep a current record of all paid members.

Article V, Section 3, amended to read.

SECTION 3. The Treasurer shall receive and record all monies paid into the Democratic Party of Door County, give receipt for same, pay all bills authorized and record same, and deposit all Democratic Party of Door County Funds in a suitable financial institution in the name of the Democratic Party of Door County.

Article IX, Section 1, amended to read.

SECTION 1. Regular meeting of the Democratic Party of Door County shall be held on the last Friday of each month unless otherwise determined by a majority vote of the Democratic Party of Door County.

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