Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair

Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2020 and beyond.

Dear fellow Wisconsin Democrats,

In a frozen winter for democracy, we’re bringing the heat.

This week, we’ve seen a triple blast of attacks from the president: presidential attacks on our judicial system, attacks on Hmong families, and attacks on earned benefits like Medicare. Simultaneously, Wisconsin Republicans have refused to lift a finger to help school children and taxpaying families in our state. As the mercury drops, the political situation is becoming even icier.

And yet—we’re fighting hard enough to melt permafrost.

Last weekend, in more than 100 places across our state, we fanned out in our neighborhoods and communities and knocked on doors. This Saturday alone, we talked to more Wisconsinites at their doorsteps than we did in the entire year of 2015 or 2017. Because you and thousands of others have stepped up, we are miles ahead of where we were in February of 2016—and way, way beyond where we’ve ever been 60 days out from a Supreme Court race.

The work is vital. The April 7 Supreme Court race will shape our state for a generation. And it will shape the battlefield for Nov 3—because we can predict that, if he’s reelected, Dan Kelly will return the favor of Trump’s endorsement by ruling to help him out by opposing the civil rights of Wisconsinites in cases that come before the state Supreme Court this summer and fall. We can’t give him the chance to do it.

This Saturday, I knocked on doors with Matt, a volunteer who has been canvassing for Democrats since 2016.

At the canvass kick-off, there were campaign vets who’d been knocking on doors for decades—and folks knocking for the first time. It warmed my heart. It will take all of us, and more. As we roar into 2020, let’s keep bringing the fire.

In solidarity,






Run for Office


FIGHT on the Issues & FIGHT to Win:

Trump’s Cuts to Earned Benefits

On Monday, Donald Trump released his proposed budget for the next year that would inflict suffering on millions of Wisconsinites by brutally slashing earned benefits many families depend on.

Trump’s proposed plan cuts more than a trillion dollars from programs like Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP as well as $30 billion from Social Security over the next decade. This comes after Trump campaigned in Wisconsin on the promise that “You’re going to keep your social security and your Medicare.”

DPW put together a press conference on Thursday in Madison with Chair Wikler, Sen. Janet Bewley and Sen. Dave Hansen to call out Trump for his blatant lies and broken promises on this issue. We also took the issue to Green Bay where we organized local community members who highlighted the negative impact Trump’s cuts to earned benefits will have on their lives.

Trump’s budget prioritizes extending massive tax-cuts for the richest Americans and corporations, and he is counting on slashing the programs that working people rely upon in order to pay for these handouts. Make no mistake — Trump is betting his reelection on voters believing his lies that this is not the case. Which means we have to be all the more aggressive about shining light on the truth.


GOP Votes Against Tax Relief & Funding for our Schools

And on Tuesday, Wisconsin Republican legislators proved once again that they’re unwilling to work with the governor on anything, even on issues they once championed themselves — like lowering taxes and increasing funding for schools.


After Governor Tony Evers called a special session to take up a proposal that would invest an additional $250 million in public schools across the state while providing $130 million in property tax relief at the same time thanks to an unexpected budget surplus, Republicans in the legislature refused to even debate the issue.

Wisconsin Republicans are speaking through their actions — they don’t care about investing in our kids. They’re so consumed by their own spite that they broke their own promise to lower taxes for working families. That’s why organizing at a local level and defeating Republicans in the legislature this fall is so important — they’re more concerned with playing politics than doing what’s right for our communities. And they won’t be held accountable until we vote them out of office.

In the meantime, we can also fight back by calling our legislators to urge them to support Gov. Evers’ proposal.

Call the WI legislative hotline at 1-800-362-9472 to get connected to your Representative and Senator’s office!



Standing with Hmong Wisconsinites

This week, we learned of Donald Trump’s proposal to deport thousands of Hmong Americans — including many here in Wisconsin — back to Laos, the same country they fled after their lives were put in danger because of their support of the U.S. in the Vietnam War. If sent back, they could face persecution and even death.

What Trump is doing is absolutely unconscionable. We must work to make sure that our Hmong neighbors feel safe here and fight for them in this frightening time.

WI-07 Democratic candidate Tricia Zunker held a press conference with members of the Hmong community in Wausau to condemn Trump’s proposal on Thursday.


Join the Growing DPW Staff

As we scale up for the fight of our lives, we’re bringing on new staff for a number of essential positions. We’re currently hiring a Political Director, Deputy Digital Director, Deputy Candidate Services Director, Field Organizers, Regional Organizing Director, Information Technology Coordinator, Digital Organizing Director, Campus Organizers and a Staff Assistant.

You can check out the positions on our job openings page!

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is an equal opportunity employer. Women, People of Color, LGBT, people of all religious affiliations & people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


EMPOWER the Grassroots:

60 Days to Victory

Last weekend, we marked 60 days until the April 7 election with 48 hours of action-packed door knocking and phone banking. This effort was hugely successful and set us off on the right foot for the fights ahead. We extend our deepest gratitude to all of the organizers and volunteers who came out and helped make the weekend a success!


One of the most important races on the ballot in April is the Supreme Court race. Whether it’s ruling on redistricting or the GOP’s lame duck power grab, the winner of this election will have a profound influence on the future of Wisconsin for the next decade, and we can’t let GOP operative Dan Kelly continue to do the bidding of his right-wing backers on the Supreme Court.

Don’t forget — there’s also an election coming up on February 18th! You can see what’s on your ballot and find your polling location at www.myvote.wi.gov. Happy voting!

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