Common Sense Gun Laws


Common Sense Gun Laws

As in all things, knowing History can enhance the understanding of any issue.   Looking back through time, the American Dream has included the use of guns as far back as the colonists at Plymouth Rock. It is part of the spirit of the Declaration of Independence as the list of grievances is made against the king. The Constitution addresses the need for gun ownership to defend against the historical oppression by government, with the inclusion of the 2nd Amendment.   As the decades have progressed, society has changed, weapon technology has developed and the need for ‘Common Sense Gun Laws’ has become a necessity.   The individual will never be able to keep pace with the national ability to develop weaponry and this causes fear within the general population.  The strategy to own deadly weapons is one that allows citizens to feel safer, but is it a rational strategy? With this in mind, we must find practical rationale for regulating gun ownership, training and use.  As we educate ourselves and know the variables that influence this topic, we can identify the ‘Common Sense’ ways that can regulate ownership using respectful and knowledgeable laws.  It is also necessary to include the issues that create the painful situations in which guns are used in aggression to address emotionally painful challenges.   

Learn More:

Check out this PBS site and read about the gun bills that have been introduced and are pending in legislature.  Call, email, and write your representatives and tell them where you stand. 

NBC news has a number of summaries that deal with Gun Laws, such as background checks and assault weapons bans.  Start with this one and afterward, you can look back at some of the other summaries over the past few years.  Then, type in “Gun Regulations” for a very complete review of recent actions across the countries. 

What Can I Do?

Start with reading and advocating for education.  Education on how to address the root causes of the issues which create the negative spotlight on gun ownership.  In this website you will find a start with a focus on the need for mental health and social adjustments.  These issues are at the heart of all mass shootings as well as the foundation for any human loss of life due to gun use.   

Find a local chapter of a group that is interested in the changes that you want to see! Start with some of these:

Violence Policy Center  


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