Weekly News From Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair

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Dear fellow Wisconsin Democrats,


Following the Supreme Court decision this morning overturning Roe v. Wade, First Chair Felesia Martin, Second Vice Chair Lee Snodgrass, and I issued the following statement:

“Today, the Supreme Court, aided and abetted by anti-abortion extremists in Congress, has failed our country and state by taking away Americans’ right to make their own medical decisions. Overturning Roe v. Wade directly contradicts the will of the public, advice of countless medical professionals, and decades of settled precedent and jurisprudence. As a result of this decision, Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban is now enforceable, and doctors in our state can be put in jail for doing their jobs.


“Today’s decision underscores the importance of electing leaders at every level of government who will protect every person’s basic human right to make their own medical decisions. Governor Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul have been brick walls against Republicans’ war on reproductive health at the state level. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Representatives Gwen Moore, Ron Kind, and Mark Pocan have been fierce defenders and advocates for legislation that would codify abortion protections into federal law.


“Now more than ever, abortion is on the ballot this November. All four Republicans running for governor have advocated for abortion bans that go beyond even the 1849 law and have vowed to pursue even more extreme restrictions on reproductive health care. Ron Johnson, who previously called the repeal of Roe v. Wade ‘the correct decision,’ has carelessly told Wisconsinites that if they don’t like the abortion laws in their state they simply ‘can move.’


“The stakes of the 2022 elections couldn’t be higher: we’re fighting for the ability of each person to make their own decisions about their body, life, and future.”

This is a dark day for our state. We are furious. And we are resolved to redouble the fight.


Tomorrow, our state party convention begins. You can find more information about it here—wisdems.org/convention—including this link to register to watch online. If you can make it to La Crosse, you can still register and attend – do that here.


And one other thing: this is a moment to tell everyone you know to request their absentee ballot, make sure they’re registered to vote, and to sign up to volunteer. You can request your ballot now at https://myvote.wi.gov. It takes thirty seconds. There is so much more to do. But it’s up to all of us to ensure we take action.


Finally, we’re inviting everyone to take a moment to donate to funds to support those who need abortion care in this moment when abortion services within Wisconsin have already shut down. You can donate here.


At a moment like this, there is power in gathering together—in reminding each other that none of us is alone, that all of us have a voice, and that, together, through massive effort and determination, we can and will defeat these horrendous attacks on our freedoms.


In solidarity,


Ben Wikler

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