

Voters should pick elected officials. Politicians shouldn’t pick voters.

According to a recent Marquette poll, 72% of Wisconsinites want Fair Maps drawn in 2021, and 62% of Wisconsin Republicans favor it too. 47 out of 72 counties have passed resolutions opposing map manipulation and endorsing Fair Maps; many of the counties were carried by former President Trump in 2016. Maps are drawn every 10 years, if we don’t fix it by electing politicians to change it in 2020, we will end up with lopsided representation for another 10 years. Democratic candidates received more votes but Republican candidates won because of how the districts were drawn.

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What Can I Do?

Call Your Representatives (1.800.362.9472) and ask them to:

  • Co-sponsor the nonpartisan redistricting bill 
  • Hold public hearings so the community can be heard.

VOTE!!! As of June 23, six more county boards have voted to add nonpartisan redistricting referendums to the November ballot. The latest counties to add the referendum are Brown, Crawford, Door, Dunn, Iowa, and Kenosha. There are now 51 counties that have passed such referendums.  Read the latest newsletter from the Fair Maps Coalition of Wisconsin’s June 23 newsletter.

Learn more and take action at Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition.

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