Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair

Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2020 and beyond. 


Dear friends across Wisconsin,

This week, America watched in horror as unidentified federal agents in military fatigues grabbed protestors off the street in Portland—ratcheting up chaos and violence, and foreshadowing a terrifying scenario about what might be next nationwide.

And then, yesterday, the Trump administration indicated that it plans to send federal law enforcement to Milwaukee, uninvited, in the coming weeks. Likely at the same time as the Democratic National Convention.

Governor Evers responded, “This type of unilateral intervention has not been requested by either the City of Milwaukee or the State and is not welcome in Wisconsin.” Attorney General Kaul denounced the administration’s “fascist tactics“—noting “I don’t use the phrase ‘fascist tactics’ lightly”—and promising to “take any appropriate legal action.” Senator Baldwin called it an “imposition of federal government agents that Milwaukee did not ask for and does not want.” Lt Governor Barnes said of Trump’s agents, “They’re not invited, nor are they welcome.”

Our elected leaders are united in working to ensure that what we’ve seen in Portland does not take place in Wisconsin. For the rest of us, we hold an awesome responsibility: make absolutely sure that an administration so at odds with the fundamental values of most Americans does not win a second term in office. If we stop Trump in Wisconsin, he loses nationwide. Our work will make that possible.

This weekend, thousands of us will be calling voters across the state, as part of a nationwide weekend of action for Joe Biden. Sign up for a shift here: https://wisdems.org/wknd-of-action/ — and let’s get to work.

Yours in solidarity,

FIGHT on the Issues & FIGHT to Win

Over 1,000 New COVID Cases this Week: The Pandemic Spreads and the GOP Makes it Worse
On Tuesday and Thursday, Wisconsin reported over 1,000 new coronavirus cases, breaking the record as the highest single day surges in cases since the pandemic began. Cases are rising, and this pandemic is getting worse, yet every time Democrats across the state try to take action, Republicans stand in the way of keeping our family and friends healthy. Whether it’s forcing an election at the beginning of this crisis, blocking the governor’s Safer at Home order, or suing counties for implementing their own measures, the GOP has shown no regard for the lives of Wisconsinites.

Unfortunately, Wisconsin Republicans are clearly taking their cues from the White House. As the state director for Joe Biden in Wisconsin, Danielle Melfi said, “At nearly every turn, Trump and Republicans in the Wisconsin state legislature have undermined the advice of public health officials and Governor Evers’ efforts to keep people safe — and we’re all paying the price.” By winning races from the White House to the city council and challenging Republicans everywhere, DPW will continue to fight to ensure the safety of the Badger State.

Ron Johnson: Spreading Misinformation for Russia instead of Working for Wisconsin
NBC News reported that Sen. Ron Johnson is potentially using his position as Chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee to spread misinformation from Kremlin-allied sources. Wisconsin families are struggling in the middle of a raging pandemic, but Sen. Johnson is busy running political errands for Donald Trump and is being used as a pawn by foreign influence campaigns.

Meanwhile, next Friday, federal unemployment benefits Wisconsin families depend on to make ends meet will expire, yet Sen. Johnson has done nothing to support Wisconsinites struggling during this economic decline. In fact, he doesn’t even know what everyday Wisconsinites are going through, saying that he doesn’t see a need for families to get aid. Democrats understand that our neighbors and families are facing a combined health and economic crisis and that every penny counts. To fix the economy, families need money to spend, but Sen. Ron Johnson would rather play lackey to an anti-democratic foreign influence campaign than make a difference in the lives of everyday Wisconsinites.

Biden Building a 21st Century Caregiving and Education Workforce
This week Vice President Biden announced a plan to champion a new caregiving and education workforce that would equitably revitalize our economy and better care for our vulnerable populations. VP Biden’s plan will expand access to long-term care services and support in Wisconsin, provide states the funding to clear the waiting list of those eligible for home health and community care through Medicaid, ensure access to high-quality, affordable child care and universal preschool, and build safe, energy-efficient, developmentally appropriate child care facilities. This plan will help ease the struggles that Wisconsin families are currently facing, and ensure a better life for future generations.

Trump’s presidency has been marked by a fundamental absence of empathy. This president has made life harder for people struggling to get by. Biden’s plan for the caregiving economy—a pillar of his broader plan to Build Back Better—sends a sorely-needed message to America: your government will have your back.


Wisconsin Leaders Honor Rep. John Lewis’ Memory
This week, civil rights hero and longtime member of Congress John Lewis passed away, leaving behind a legacy of justice and of bringing this country closer to the promise of its founding. Wisconsin leaders honored his memory as a call to action to continue to fight for justice and equity for all.

Congresswoman Gwen Moore, who marched alongside Lewis during the Civil Rights Era of the 60’s and considered him a dear friend, said, “This man had a life worth living and it has been such a blessing to have just been in his presence. He was always about reconciliation, restitution, about coming together and about the moral, just, thing to do. It was always about justice… John Lewis lived long enough to see the global impact of a George Floyd, and to be able to say I may not be able to get to the promise land, but I can look over and I can see it. I can see that it’s there.” May we continue to fight for the promise land that John Lewis imagined.

COVID’s Disproportionate Impact on Immigrant Workers in Wisconsin
Coronavirus is continuing to have a disproportionate impact on immigrants here in Wisconsin, who are often frontline and essential workers. In many cases, these families must decide whether they stay home and not receive a vital paycheck, or go to work and risk getting the virus. Under the CARES Act, these workers, who are our neighbors and who we rely on to keep the country running, are unable to receive aid or protection from the federal government, and are at greater risk of being targeted by government agencies.

Some local health care providers are working to provide access to all Wisconsin residents, and the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act in congress would allow unauthorized immigrants to receive protections if it passes the Senate. As part of the law, Sen. Tammy Baldwin included a provision that would improve workplace standards in the face of COVID-19, especially in those industries that are essential and generally manned by immigrant workers. It is a travesty that these families are at such great risk, and we must fight to provide all of our neighbors with the care they deserve.

EMPOWER the Grassroots

BIG Weekend of Action for #101DaystoVictory
This Saturday we are kicking off a huge Weekend of Action to connect with voters. We are 101 days away from the election and we need all hands on deck! Sign for shifts here and join us to turn Wisconsin blue!
Volunteer for the Voter Protection Team!
Make sure that the election this November is safe, fair, and accessible to all Wisconsinites by volunteering! We are looking for official poll workers, poll observers, phone bankers, and hotline volunteers. Please follow this link to fight for our very democracy: https://wisdems.org/voter-protection/

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