Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair

 Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2020 and beyond. 
FIGHT on the Issues:
More GOP Attacks on our Democracy

This week, a far-right legal group pushed a Scott Walker-appointed judge to order the state to purge more than 234,000 people from voter rolls — that’s more than 17% of registered voters in some communities. Unsurprisingly, the communities most affected by this purge are disproportionately young people and people of color.

Republicans aren’t even trying to hide it: this is another partisan attack on our democracy, a part of the GOP’s larger effort to do everything they can to suppress the vote ahead of the 2020 election.

They know that every single vote will count in 2020. They know their easiest path to victory is to cheat and rig the system to their benefit, that’s why they passed voter ID laws, gerrymandered our maps unconstitutionally, and tried to limit early voting.


We quickly raised the alarm about Republicans’ ploy to disenfranchise voters — the New York Times, NPR, and Crooked Media’s “What a Day” podcast all featured interviews with our Chair Ben Wikler on the subject. Additionally, we reached out to our presidential candidates to ask for their support, many of whom sent tweets calling Republicans out for their blatant attack on our democracy.

As frustrating as this news is, now is not the time to panic, but to organize, and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has a plan to re-register individuals who may have been unfairly purged. You can read more about our plan below! We also want to thank the League of Women Voters for taking the lead on a legal challenge to the purge, and to SEIU for organizing a massive protest in Milwaukee on Monday. When we fight together, we win.




Republicans are Still Coming for Your Health Care


While the nation’s eyes were on Congress this week as House Democrats impeached President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, a highly consequential court decision that could affect your health care came down late Wednesday evening.

The 5th Circuit Court made a decision in the Texas v. United States lawsuit spearheaded by Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a move that would jeopardize health care for millions of Americans. (This is the very same lawsuit Attorney General Josh Kaul removed Wisconsin from earlier this year.)


The 5th Circuit Court sent the lawsuit back to the very same handpicked lower court judge who already ruled the entire law unconstitutional, meaning your health care is still at risk because of the Trump administration. Ultimately this is the crux of Trump’s health care plan, to take coverage away from those who need it most. Not lower health care costs like he promised, but create uncertainty and pain for millions of families.

Wisconsin Democrats will continue to fight against Donald Trump and the GOP’s monstrous attacks on everyday people who are simply trying to live healthy and fulfilling lives. We’re going to make sure every voter in this state is aware of the President’s broken promises and the steps he has taken to try to take away their health care. And Democrats will never stop fighting to make sure that everyone has the health care they need, as a human right, not as a privilege.


Fighting for the Most Vulnerable Among Us


It’s this time of year in Wisconsin when temperatures reach deadly lows that it’s hard not to be reminded that some of our fellow Wisconsinites don’t have a warm place to stay at night.

But Republican lawmakers like Sen. Alberta Darling apparently have no issue with leaving Wisconsinites out in the cold.

Despite pleas from Gov. Evers, Democratic legislators and advocates, Sen. Alberta Darling and Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee this week refused to release essential funds to support homeless shelters. This funding had already been approved in the state budget, and all Republicans had to do was approve its release.


This is GOP petty politics at its worst. Republicans are so disconnected from the communities they represent that they can’t find a modicum of compassion for the most vulnerable among us. That means it’s on us as Democrats to support candidates who will lead with compassion and dignity.


We’re Hiring to Scale!


Friends and Allies,

Our team will play an essential role in defeating Trump and electing Democrats up and down the ballot in 2020 and beyond—and we’re seeking a diverse pool of outstanding candidates for more full-time positions as DPW grows and prepares for the battles ahead.

We’re asking for your help finding a Human Resources Director and Field Organizers to join the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

The job description and application links for the HR Director can be found here and Field Organizers here.

Many thanks – and a Happy Holiday Season to you!


Building Trades Holiday Party


On Thursday Chair Wikler joined the Building Trades Council for their holiday party at Plumbers’ Local 75 in Milwaukee where he talked with local labor leaders, including AFL-CIO of Wisconsin President Stephanie Bloomingdale, about the fight to ensure every family in Wisconsin has a union-supported job. We at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin stand with labor and give our thanks to the activists and leaders who have never relented in their fight for working people’s rights.


EMPOWER the Grassroots:
Fighting Back Against the Purge


The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has a plan to fight the GOP voter purge to the fullest extent possible. Once available, we’ll obtain the list of purged voters, match those voters against our data, then reach out through digital, phone calls, and other means to ensure they have the tools to register. And we’ll need your help to make all this possible. Express your interest to volunteer today to fight back against the purge at wisdems.org/volunteer.

If you’re able, make sure to support our organizing efforts and donate to DPW here: https://wisdems.org/StopThePurge. Chip in what you can. Together, we can ensure that everybody — no matter if they’re Republican or Democrat — has an equal chance to shape our democracy.


We’re excited to announce that the WisDems Store is now live and with BRAND NEW merch!  Check out store.wisdems.org. All products are union-made!


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