Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair

FIGHT on the Issues & FIGHT to Win
Gov. Evers’ leadership in the face of the SCOWIS Decision
The fallout from the Supreme Court decision last week that overturned Governor Evers’ Safer at Home order has been predictably chaotic. Because of the decision, Gov. Evers can’t put rules in place without sign-off from Republicans in the legislature, and the GOP announced that they don’t want any new rules— so now, individual counties and municipalities are being forced to put rules in place, creating a hectic patchwork of regulations in a time when clear guidance is vital. On top of all of that conservatives have threatened to sue local officials, too.

In the face of this obstruction, Evers is still taking decisive action using the powers available to him. He has announced a $1 billion statewide effort to support testing, contact tracing, supplies, and resources for local communities through the CARES Act. Evers has also announced the Farm Support Program and Food Security Initiative to put food on Wisconsinites’ tables and financially support Wisconsin farmers who are so essential to the state. The GOP has proven that they don’t care enough about working people to work with the governor, so thankfully Governor Evers is continuing to lead despite their political games.

Biden Virtually Visits!
DPW was excited to welcome Joe Biden to Wisconsin this week for a virtual visit to our wonderful state — a state that will be so essential to victory this November. During his virtual visit, Biden held a roundtable discussion on how Wisconsin’s rural communities are being impacted by the pandemic with Congressman Ron Kind. He also spoke at a virtual rally in Milwaukee with Gwen Moore and Tammy Baldwin where he criticized Trump’s lack of leadership around the coronavirus pandemic and for exacerbating the economic fallout and pain felt by working families. Joe Biden is going to take the high road to the White House right through Wisconsin.
Small Businesses Struggle because of Trump
Because of Donald Trump’s disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have had to close their doors, sometimes permanently, all across Wisconsin. These businesses could not have planned for the pandemic and hoped the federal government would support them, but this administration has completely abdicated their responsibility.

While Trump has no national testing plan and the death toll surges past 90,000 Americans, businesses are being forced to stay closed longer. Thankfully Democrats are leading the charge to support main street, with Gov. Evers proposing $75 million in assistance to small businesses and state treasurer Sarah Godlewski working with entrepreneurs to secure loans and hold the administration accountable.

Trump has hamstrung and slow-walked financial assistance to small businesses, favoring huge corporations at every turn. From the statehouse to the White House, the GOP has been completely reckless in confronting this crisis, and Wisconsin businesses are bearing the brunt of that failure.

Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month
This Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month, Wisconsin Democrats are celebrating the contributions and history of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans across our state. DPW is proud to be forming an official AAPI caucus for the first time this year. Join us and AAPI leaders all over the U.S. in continuing to fight for civil liberties and social justice!
Wisconsin’s First Virtual Ramadan Iftar with Gov. Evers
Governor Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes hosted Wisconsin’s first virtual Ramadan iftar last week with the Wisconsin Muslim Civic Alliance. The event brought together more than 200 families in an unprecedented time, highlighting the fact that all Wisconsinites are in this crisis together. Gov. Evers said, “The Muslim community’s diverse cultural background adds vibrancy to Wisconsin. It is an honor to celebrate their vital contributions as leaders, professionals, small business owners and engaged youth across Wisconsin.
COVID-19 Silencing Voters of Color in Wisconsin
A new analysis of election data from Milwaukee in April shows that the average turnout in Black and Hispanic wards was 30 percentage points lower than the average voter turnout in white wards and that the pandemic exacerbated already inexcusable inequities in the voting system. Wisconsin needs leaders who are willing to take action and pass laws that will protect voters and preserve democracy.

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is currently fighting in federal court to avoid disenfranchisement in November. DPW sued again after the April 7 election and is welcoming a new lawsuit brought by Wisconsin voters and our friends at Disability Rights Wisconsin, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC), and Protect Democracy. We are fighting hard to ensure that this assault on our democracy doesn’t happen again and that all voters are protected, especially those who are most vulnerable to democratic suppression.

Tricia Zunker is Running!
Our incredible candidate from the 7th District is running for congress again this November to unseat newly-elected Republican Tom Tiffany. Tricia is an important voice in her Ho-Chunk and Northern Wisconsin community and is continuing to fight for families across her district. DPW is incredibly excited to keep organizing support for her.
EMPOWER the Grassroots
Be part of our I’m Staying #SaferAtHome Campaign!
Join our campaign to show people why you are staying #SaferAtHome. It is so important now more than ever to show solidarity with frontline workers and stay home, so help us spread the message by following these directions: wisdems.org/saferathome/
Sign nomination papers!
DPW is working hard to get candidates on the ballot no matter the circumstances and have built an online tool to make nomination papers easy to sign. Support some of these amazing candidates, and sign here by June 1: wisdems.org/get-involved/2020nominationpapers
Join us at State Convention
State convention will be from 7-9pm on Friday, June 12, please sign up here to become a delegate and be a part of the rich democratic tradition here in Wisconsin!

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